Have you ever had a time when
  • thinking that I have spoken well, but others do not listen to me at all??
  • feeling that I have done everything I could, but the outcome was undesired?
  • Seeing others’ children are diligent and hardworking, my children are heavily addicted to internet games?
  • Knowing that my close one could not accept the things I think are reasonable?
  • feeling low in confidence due to frequent unsatisfaction, or feeling lost control due to poor personality?
  • Seeing other teams are high in morality and efficiency, but my team is hesitating and helpless?

Good communication is easier to achieve than you thought. You will be able to express yourself clearly and deliver coherent messages to the receiving part just by a few simple skills.

Great communications and sales are from inside to outside. Through learning personality and value level you will be able to know yourself inside out, influence others, you can achieve more with less effort in career, family and wealth, and you can have continuous motivation in achieving your goal.……

Personality vs Communication – NLP FREE Seminar
1st Time: 18/Mar/2023 Sat 7:00pm-9:30pm (6:30pm Zoom Open)
Venue Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club 117 Ryedale Road West Ryde
(Near West Ryde Train Station)
2nd Time: 19/Mar/2023 Sun 7:00pm-9:30pm (6:30pm Zoom Open)
Venue Fitzroy Hall. 22 Church St. Burwood NSW 2134
(Partking entry from Fitzroy Street)

Organiser: Mind Depot Coaching
The first authorized Chinese NLP International Certificate training provider in Australia and New Zealand

Cost: FREE  (Two same seminars to facilitate your time and place selection)


Sydney 性格与沟通 免费实用心理学NLP讲座
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