Erica Liu
- University of Queensland, PhD of Biomedical Engineering
- NLP Trainer
- NLP Master Coach
- Master Hypnotherapist
- Time Line Therapy™ Master Practitioner

Rebecca Zhu
- Australian Registered Vocational Trainer
- Chairman of NLP and Hypnotherapist Society
- AHA Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist Membership (CMAHA)
- Australian Naturopath
- ABNLP Certificated NLP Trainer
- ABNLP Certificated NLP Master Coach
- ABH Certificate Master Hypnotherapist
- Time Line Therapy™ Association Certificated Master Practitioner
- Certificated EQ360® Practitioner
- Certificated Strong Interest Inventory® Practitioner
- Certificated MBTI® Practitioner

Paul An
- Master of Commence, University of Wollongong
- AHA Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist Membership (CMAHA)
- AHA Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist Supervisor (CMAHA)
- ABNLP Certificated NLP Trainer
- ABNLP Certificated NLP Coach Trainer
- Time Line Therapy™ Association Certificated Master Practitioner
- ABH Certificate Hypnotherapist Trainer
- NGH Certified Master Hypnotherapist
- The Holistic Healing Center Past Lives Recall Practitioner
- The Newton Intuition Life Between Lives Practitioner
- Certificated EQ360® Practitioner
- Certificated Strong Interest Inventory® Practitioner
- Certificated MBTI® Practitioner
- ANLP Certificated NLP Trainer